Category News

The Winners of 12th Giffoni Macedonia Youth FIlm Festival

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} The best feature films and short films were chosen by majority vote of the Youth Jury composed of all participants of the Giffoni Macedonia Youth Film Festival 2024. The winner for the Junior Jury are  Best…

Begining of 12th Giffoni Macedonia Youth FIlm Festival

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} More than 450 participants from eight countries will be part of the 12th edition of the “Giffoni Macedonia” Youth Film Festival in Skopje. At the well-known locations for the Giffoners, the Youth Cultural Center, the Cinematheque…


{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Оваа година во соработка со ПАКОМАК ги мотивираме сите учесници на фестивалот да започнат со користење на повратните вендинг машини за селектирање и рециклирање на пластични шишиња и лименки.  Што може да добиете? Двојно повеќе поени …

Отворен повик за 12то издание на Џифони Македонија

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Филмскиот фестивал за млади „Џифони Македонија“ ве повикува да се пријавите на отворен повик за пријавување на учесници и волонтери за дванасетто издание Филмскиот Фестивал за млади „Џифони Македонија“ ќе се одржи од 3-ти до 8-ми октомври…

Participation at Teen Doc Workshop in Uzice, Serbia

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Two Giffoners participated at the Teen Doc workshop in Užice, Serbia together with 25 participants from Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy and Serbia. They had the opportunity to learn more about documentary film…

Eight Macedonian Giffoners at OFF Sarajevo Youth Film Festival

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Twelve Macedonian jurors wil participate at the 54th edition of the most important film festival for young audience in the world, the Gifoni Film Festivali which is taking place from 19 to 28 July in Gifoni…

Open Call for mobility of Young Talents

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Open call for Mobility of Young Talents As part of the Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs) project, the EDU CUTS network is announcing a call for mobility of young talents from Western Balkans…

Open Call for Young Filmmakers

{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} If you are between 15 and 25 years old and you have an idea or script for shooting a short film, we invite you to apply for participation at workshops for development of your first films…

The eleventh edition of Giffoni Macedonia: 5-10 October 2023

Gifoni Macedonia Youth Film Festival opened the call for registration of participants and volunteers for the eleventh edition. The eleventth edition of Giffoni Macedonia will take place in Skopje from 5th to 10th October. The activities will be organized in several…