

Giffoni Macedonia part of the biggest cultural event for young people in the world Giffoni Experience

Giffoni Macedonia is a Film festival where the young participants take the role of a Jury. Over 500 young participants, divided into three age groups (11-14, 15-16 and 17-19), each day watch carefully selected feature movies and a rich selection of short and animated movies, and vote for their favorite ones. There is also a non-competition movie program open to general public.

All the films selected in the official program stimulate the kids to ask questions and think, because they deal with delicate issues that are not always addressed in everyday life, in school or in families. Therefore, after the screening, the kids are invited to express their feelings and opinions on the film, they are encouraged to speak up and so they do, without fear of being judged. The debates that arise on those occasions show how these shared moments help the kids develop critical thought and awaken the desire to stand up and do something extraordinary, as big or small as it may be.

The festival that originally started in Italy, comes to Macedonia as a result of the wonderful energy and enthusiasm that Macedonian kids brought with themselves throughout the years at Giffoni Film Festival in Italy.

The Youth Film Festival “Giffoni Macedonia” was created as an initiative of Claudio Gubitosi, creator and artistic director of GFF inspired by proactive young participants from Macedonia. From the very beginning of the implementation of this festival, the Film Agency, Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia and the Italian Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia have given their continuous support and active involvement for the purpose of ensuring a successful realization of the festival and the other accompanying activities which are integral part of Giffoni.

Giffoni Macedonia primary goals:

  • Contributes to the growth and social development of the young generations
  • Actively unites the young audiences in a unique driving force – an international jury, tasked with evaluating the films in competition
  • Enables the children to enrich their knowledge of European stories, countries, nationalities, cultures and societies through film
  • Expands the experience and education of children and youth through active participation in educational platforms within the festival
  • Encourages multicultural communication among children
  • All participants are members of big jury made up of young people cultural product which itself combines film program and educational platform (workshops, master classes etc)

The festival is organized by Media Literacy Association “Planet-M” with main support of Macedonian Film Agency and Giffoni Experience from Italy.